DIA processing between DRP[1] and AP[2] will be different. Calibrations of PVIs[3] will be better in DRP, and templates will potentially be updated. The difference will likely be greatest in the Year-One Alerts and the Data Release 1,2 processing of the first 6,12 months of the survey.
- Even meeting the same purity and efficiency requirements may not result in the same set of objects detected between AP and DRP. How much of a difference should the users expect?
- Will there be a matching between AP DIAObject[4] IDs and DRP DIAObject IDs? Will this matching be provided by Project+Operations or will it be up to interested science groups to do this themselves?
- How will the DIAObject ID labels be different between AP and DRP. Will they be unique between AP and DRP. Will they be unique across data releases?
- Does it make even sense to refer to the set of AP DIAObject IDs “within” a Data Release? AP doesn’t formally fit into a Data Release. AP will of course be run between data releases, and it doesn’t make sense to think of AP on an image as “belonging” to a data release prior to that data. But it doesn’t clearly make sense for AP to be considered part of the next Data Release, either.
- Will DRP provide forced-photometry on all AP DIAObjects? Imagine, e.g., an object that was detected, studied, and somebody went and took a spectrum and confirmed it as an interesting FoozaWhatsIt. But imagine that in DRP, the masks are grown a bit to match where photometry and detection are more reliable and that object is no longer detected. Will this object be referred to only by its AP DIAObject ID?
- Perhaps the former question is really asking: what’s the relationship between Rubin Observatory/LSST DIAObject IDs and community transient and variable clearinghouses, such as the IAU SN, IAU MPC[5], or the Transient Name Server tracking?
[The intent of this topic is to summarize and generalize a discussion that occurred over Slack.]
[1] DRP: Data Release Processing
[2] AP: Alert Processing
[3] PVI: Processed Visit Image. Also referred to as a calexp
[4] DIAObject: Difference Image Analysis Object. The result of associating individual detections on subtracted image.
[5] MPC: Minor Planet Center.