Alert production is sensitive to how events are specified (VOEvent standard), authored and publishing streams (VOEvent Protocol). These are all pieces that sit outside the algorithmic effort specific to the Alert Production team. As such, it’s possible that they could be lost. I’ve been assuming AP would take responsibility of all three of these areas and that the Process Control team would provide an environment for the authoring and publishing to execute.
To be explicit:
- AP will push forward any changes to the VOEvent standard necessary for LSST alert production to be successful
- AP will provide an engine for alert authoring given a stream of alert records
- AP will provide a system for publishing VOEvents to specified endpoints
- Process control will collaborate with AP to design an execution environment that will enable the authoring and distribution system.
I hope this is in line with expectations by others, but please let me know if they are not: @ktl, @dpetravick, @gpdf probably have the most to say.