Verification Datasets Meeting:
Attendees: Angelo, Zeljko, David, Colin, Hsin-Fang, Tony Tyson, Simon, Frossie, John Swinbank
- at UW right now
- working on obs_decam with Coli, making up for technical debt on obs_decam
- running stack on raw DECam data
- obs_decam README updated
- lots of updates to the stack, dealing with various issues
- issues with ingest
getting more ISR implemented in the stack like Subaru
pulling over ISR from Subaru, putting it into ip_isr
can only do intrachip corrections now, not inter-chip -
Russell is porting HSC non-linearity correction to ip_isr on DM-5462. This will be a task called by IsrTask (right after bias correction). However, HSC uses a polynomial, whereasDECam CP uses a look-up table. We will need a variant task to support lookup tables.
maybe put DECam calibration products on obs_decam using git-lsf
- “compressed” BPM (bounding boxes, similar to subaru), linearity correction and xtalk correction, JIRA tickets filed
- David will ask Frank/Robert about putting calibration files in obs_decam
- bias and flats will still need to be downloaded from NOAO
jointCal (former simastrom), starting running it on DECam, various states of haphazard working
- photometric portion probably scheduled in the fall cycle
- at DESC meeting last week
- twinkles working group
- twinkles run1 simulated data, one chip, full survey, most nights griz (sometimes u), 1227 total visits
90% simulated with phosim, 10% took too long to simulate (more than 5 days) when moon was up - reduced all simulated images, through stack and forced photometry
- phot repeatability, 2x worse than Simon’s simple case, phot repeatabiilty ~1.5%
- coadds looked fine individually, when combined coadd to RGB there are cross-band astrometry issues,
the offsets are of order of the PSF size,
not sure what’s happening, investigating
RMS scatter in WCS fitting solution ~100 milliarcsec - example image here
- there’s rotational dithering in the original images
- Tony mentioned that DECals has similar astrometic issues between bands
- airmass? large variety of airmass, but only chose low airmass for images to simulated with phosim
- working on solving this problem
- problem likely not DCR, would larger variety of offsets
- David mentioned this might be the cause of the higher floor on the photometric repeatability, surprised it’s actually not worse, but Simon mentioned that he’s comparing value within each band
- doing image differencing, seeing lots of SNe
- no templates yet, but science-to-science image looks very clean
pyastro next week
working on revisions of DPDD and LDM-151
two intensive days of meetings going over these docs and revising them, next week
DPDD good level for requirements, these are the quantities that scientists are interested in
Angelo: working on QA database schema
Zellko will come out to Tucson soon to chat about QA
grad student to run deep lens survey through the stack
20 deg^2, 26 mag, similar to LSST depth
145 nights at NOAO, Mayall and Blanco MOSAIC, ~20TB of data
flat fielded data are on spinning disk
need to set up new obs package
Imran Hason, send up to UW for short visit
David: should we rename obs_decam to obs_blanco with two imagers, DECam and Blanco.
brief discussion on this point and there was a consensus that refactoring obs_decam now would be more
effort than its worth and people like the idea of separate packages per instrument -
Zeljko: MOPS update
want to do end-to-end test and see if get same results as Lynne/Tim A. got ~4-5 years ago
using Colin’s detections as well to test false-detections -
JPL getting better results than us, something wrong with the way we are running our MOPS
MOPS convoluted and hard to change, Lynne/Mario thinking about maybe rewriting from scratch
should have a better idea in a few months
- still finishing up the COSMOS rereduction with SDSS as the reference catalog
- trying to rewrite my LSST IDL workflow in python
- with science time reducing SMASH data with PHOTRED
- should have plots for COSMOS next week