Hi everyone!
I am a complete newbie using th pipeline and I’m trying to do image difference on some decam data, but I’m not quite sure how to use it. This is what I tried:
$ imageDifference.py DATA_Javiera/pointing1/ --output output1
CameraMapper INFO: Loading exposure registry from /mnt/flock/jahumada/DATA_Javiera/pointing1/registry.sqlite3
root INFO: Running: /home/jahumada/lsst_stack-v21/stack/miniconda3-py37_4.8.2-cb4e2dc/Linux64/pipe_tasks/21.0.0+44ca056b81/bin/imageDifference.py DATA_Javiera/pointing1/ --output output1
conda.common.io INFO: overtaking stderr and stdout
conda.common.io INFO: stderr and stdout yielding back
root WARN: Not running the task because there is no data to process; you may preview data using “–show data”
imageDifference.py DATA_Javiera/pointing1/ --output output1 --show data
CameraMapper INFO: Loading exposure registry from /mnt/flock/jahumada/DATA_Javiera/pointing1/registry.sqlite3
But I don’t know why it doesn’t seem to be able to access the data, since it is in that folder (DATA_Javiera/pointing1). Maybe I skipped some previous steps?
The only thing I did before was to ingest the instcal data.
If someone has an idea why this is happening and points it out to me, I would really appreciate it