When I am trying to add /cvmfs/sw.lsst.eu
to our /cvmfs
setup at NERSC, I got the following errors:
Aug 16 10:58:08 ngfsv100 cvmfs2: (sw.lsst.eu) failed to download repository manifest (2 - malformed URL)
Aug 16 10:58:08 ngfsv100 cvmfs2: (sw.lsst.eu) failed to fetch file catalog at sw.lsst.eu:/ (hash: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, error 2 [malformed URL])
Aug 16 10:58:08 ngfsv100 cvmfs2: (sw.lsst.eu) Failed to initialize root file catalog (16 - file catalog failure)
I am kind of new to the /cvmfs
environment (I am more a GPFS guy). Have I missed anything? We have had about 15 cvmfs repos here at NERSC and this is the first time we see this error.
Thanks for any help.