I am trying to recreate early generation 2 test runs with the generation 3 Butler. This is for the obs_vista package we are developing to process VISTA data with the LSST Science pipelines. These are loosely the following:
We are using a combination of pipe tasks and pipe drivers for historical reasons but as I understand it processCcd.py is closely related to singleFrameDriver.py.
I think I have ingestion working and have registered the generation 3 instrument âVIRCAMâ. I am now running the following command to use the equivalent of the singleFrameDriver.py task:
pipetask run -d "exposure=622538" -b data/butler.yaml --input VIRCAM/raw/all --register-dataset-types -p "${PIPE_TASKS_DIR}/pipelines/_SingleFrame.yaml" --instrument lsst.obs.vista.VIRCAM --output-run demo_collection
This is throwing the error pasted in full below. Do I need to register outputs as was done in the mapper in generation 2? I thought that the generation 3 Butler was registering data sets as it made them so did not need any mapper type object.
Many thanks,
Error: An error occurred during command execution:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/raphaelshirley/Documents/github/lsst_stack/stack/miniconda3-py37_4.8.2-cb4e2dc/DarwinX86/daf_butler/21.0.0+187b78b4b8/python/lsst/daf/butler/cli/utils.py", line 453, in cli_handle_exception
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/raphaelshirley/Documents/github/lsst_stack/stack/miniconda3-py37_4.8.2-cb4e2dc/DarwinX86/ctrl_mpexec/21.0.0+2f1cc9de74/python/lsst/ctrl/mpexec/cli/script/qgraph.py", line 133, in qgraph
qgraph = f.makeGraph(pipelineObj, args)
File "/Users/raphaelshirley/Documents/github/lsst_stack/stack/miniconda3-py37_4.8.2-cb4e2dc/DarwinX86/ctrl_mpexec/21.0.0+2f1cc9de74/python/lsst/ctrl/mpexec/cmdLineFwk.py", line 571, in makeGraph
qgraph = graphBuilder.makeGraph(pipeline, collections, run, args.data_query)
File "/Users/raphaelshirley/Documents/github/lsst_stack/stack/miniconda3-py37_4.8.2-cb4e2dc/DarwinX86/pipe_base/21.0.0+544a109665/python/lsst/pipe/base/graphBuilder.py", line 935, in makeGraph
File "/Users/raphaelshirley/Documents/github/lsst_stack/stack/miniconda3-py37_4.8.2-cb4e2dc/DarwinX86/pipe_base/21.0.0+544a109665/python/lsst/pipe/base/graphBuilder.py", line 645, in resolveDatasetRefs
File "/Users/raphaelshirley/Documents/github/lsst_stack/stack/miniconda3-py37_4.8.2-cb4e2dc/DarwinX86/daf_butler/21.0.0+187b78b4b8/python/lsst/daf/butler/registry/queries/_results.py", line 309, in findDatasets
f"Error finding datasets of type {datasetType.name} in collections {collections}; "
RuntimeError: Error finding datasets of type postISRCCD in collections [VIRCAM/raw/all]; it is impossible for any such datasets to be found in any of those collections, most likely because the dataset type is not registered. This error may become a successful query that returns no results in the future, because queries with no results are not usually considered an error.