Talk 2016-01-13 9am Pacific / 10am Tucson on Light Curve Visualisation

Zhe Wang, a UofA grad student, is giving a talk Building Interactive Data Visualization Systems: A Tool for Light Curve Exploration

Interactive visualization is one of the most commonly used techniques for “big data” exploration but scalability is a big challenge. This talk will introduce the technical details about the light curve visualization tool built for the ANTARES project including the designing of the user interface, the algorithm for generating the plots, and the data structure to support fast computation. This talk will focus on light
curves, the underlying techniques could also be useful for other kind of data.

Call into BJ at - this topic will be updated if a recording is available for off-line viewing.

You can find the code repository here:

Here are the slides for my talk today. If you have questions, please feel free to reply here or send emails to Any comments or suggestions are also more than welcome.