A brief update of SSSC (Solar System Science Collaboration) happenings over the past month. A more detailed version will be sent out on the SSSC listserv.
DPS SSSC Workshop (LSST and the Solar System) - the annual SSSC meeting at DPS was held Thursday October 19 2017. We previous sent out a summary of the discussion. Slides from the talks: SSSC Status Update, Upcoming Opsim Simulations, Small Body Metrics, & White Papers , Solar System Processing for LSST: A Status Update , and Minor Planet Center: Status and Plans.
Proposed SSSC Workshop in 2018 - LSST Corporation has a funding call to support workshops, summer schools, etc. We are proposing for funding to organize a small SSSC workshop at the University of Washington sometime in mid 2018. The aim is to have a 3 day workshop with a half day of talks on Day 1, and the rest of the time would be dedicated to small group projects focused on LSST Solar System Science needs. We would like to gauge the interest in such a workshop and better understand the need for travel support. A poll was sent to collaboration members.
Charter - Currently the SSSC is operating without a set of written guidelines other than the Code of Conduct. We have drafted a charter; writing down the current common practices the SSSC leadership/membership has been operating under for transparency and clarity. We are soliciting feed back from the collaboration on the draft charter by December 1 2017 9pm PST. We will then update the draft and ask for more feedback in December. We’ll have a vote for adoption by the SSSC in January.
SSSC Roadmap - The working group leads have been soliciting feedback to rank the science priorities each working group has come up with. The next step will be to collate all this information into a cohesive document. The working group leads will soon start discussing for each science priority how to come up with success metrics, ways of identifying in cadence simulations whether the desired science is achievable.
Status of LSST Image simulations - the chairs attending a joint project + science collaboration telecon that discussed various LSST simulation software packages and their capabilities. You can find the recorded video here.
Working Groups - There is still time to sign up for SSSC working group. If you want to join, SSSC members should contact the SSSC Co-chairs.