Solar System Science Collaboration (SSSC) March 2018 Update

A brief update of SSSC (Solar System Science Collaboration) happenings over the past month. A more detailed version will be sent out on the SSSC listserv.

SSSC Readiness Sprint Dates and Aim- The Sprint will be July 10-12, 2018 at the University of Washington in Seattle. The goal is to jump start the work the SSSC needs to provide input into cadence decisions and get us ready for the initial LSST science in general. This includes laying the infrastructure groundwork for joint computational tools (github repositories, common computing infrastructure, initial code, etc.), drafting user-contributed data products, critical MAF (Metrics Analysis Framework) metrics, and others issues to be identified by July.

SSSC Readiness Sprint Registration: Due to the interactive nature of the workshop, we are limiting participants to ~20 people. If we have a strong interest, the working group leads will pick the attending participants. Selection of attendees will be focused on ensuring a wide variety of career stages, skill sets, perspectives, research expertise, backgrounds, and experiences are represented at the sprint, We have funding to support a number of people with partial and full funding support for flights and lodging. To register your interest in attending the sprint and also to apply for funding support if needed, please fill out the registration form sent by email.

MOPS Update From Mario: We had a 2-day meeting in December with the Minor Planet Center (Matt Holman and Peter Veres) about putting into action the proposal presented at the Provo DPS. No obstacles identified to making MPC the source of LSST prompt processing asteroid catalogs and we’re proceeding to formally write this into the LSST baseline (expecting to make the formal proposal by the summer). We got the current version of MOPS working on NCSA hardware. It’s currently achieving overall completeness of ~70%. Work to improve it is paused right now, but we’ll return to it in around ~July.

SSSC Roadmap Next Steps -The working groups leads are organizing feedback from their respective working groups to create quantitative measures, in words define what we need to accomplish for each bullet point in the science roadmap (e.g. x number of objects composed from both islands in 3:1 mean resonance with Neptune). Please keep an eye for those emails in your inboxes.

Photometric Products - Robert Lupton gave a talk at the joint project science team science collaboration chairs call on the photometric pipeline and data products. The slides and video can be found at

Working Groups - If you want to join the listserv for a working group (, email Meg (