SMWLV-TVS hack days, 2021 Summer

Hi all - this is to let you know that SMWLV and TVS will be re-starting the informal “hack days” throughout 2021 Summer, to provide a space for people to work on various necessary projects, including (but not limited to) ongoing cadence investigations.

These will be much more loosely themed than the cadence hack days that led up to the Apr 15th SCOC cadence notes deadline: in addition to the gathertown space itself that is maintained by the project, a sign-up sheet will usually be posted for folks to claim a “room”. Occasionally there may be informal short presentations. All are welcome to the hack sessions: to enter the meeting space, click on this Gathertown link.

The hack days will run from 10:00am-12:00 Noon EDT and 1300-1500 EDT unless otherwise stated, meeting on the following Thursdays (click here to subscribe to the hack day Google calendar). As always, please feel free to attend as much or as little as you find useful.

Here is the plan of the meeting space:

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If you’d like to suggest a topic for a given hack day, this Community thread is a good place to do so.

For example: at the May 13th hack day, it may be useful to have a quick discussion or presentation on the SMWLV/TVS synthesis of the cadence notes.

Suggestions are welcome!

Suggested topic for a hack day breakout room: what work is needed to develop your cadence note(s) and relevant work for submission as a refereed paper in the future ApJS focus issue on survey strategy?

The following text (from the AAS) provides a bit more information on this issue:

The Vera Rubin Observatory’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) will provide unprecedented data which will be made available to all US and Chilean scientists and to international partners for a diverse range of astrophysical problems, from cosmology to Solar System studies and from stellar astrophysics to transients to galaxy evolution. In any synoptic survey such as this one, the choice of cadence - the pattern in which the telescope moves across the sky and periodically revisits each field - is of vital importance in maximizing the scientific utility of the data. Yet, identifying the optimal cadence for a broad range of scientific goals is a challenge. As part of the survey design and characterization process, Rubin Observatory involved the LSST science community by soliciting white papers and “cadence notes”. Peer-reviewed journal articles describing scientific investigations that motivate and support these “cadence notes” are published in this issue as a record of the factors which influenced survey design, and for guidance for future surveys that may confront many of the same issues facing the Vera Rubin Observatory.

Note that the submitted cadence notes are hosted at the SCOC page at this public link.

Two suggested topics for the Thursday June 10 hack day:

I would like to work on PCW 2021 session on the Cadence Notes and Survey Strategy plans during June 24 hack in a breakout room with people interested in joining

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