"Dark matter constitutes roughly 85% of the matter density of the Universe, and represents a critical gap in our understanding of fundamental physics.
Despite these extensive experimental efforts, the only robust, positive empirical measurement of dark matter continues to come from cosmological and astrophysical observations."
Hi everyone,
As you likely know, the DESC initiated a cross-collaboration initiative to explore and organize how LSST would be able to contribute to study Dark Matter - see https://lsstdarkmatter.github.io.
There is a wealth of SMWLV science that touches on the Dark Matter issue, for example see the presentations made at the recent LSST Dark Matter Workshop: https://kicp-workshops.uchicago.edu/lsstdarkmatter-2019/program.php.
Also, during this week’s joint TVS-SMWLV workshop at the University of Delaware (https://lsst-tvssc.github.io/TVS-SMWLV2019/) we began a discussion between these two SCs concerning Dark Matter science.
In order to provide a cross-collaboration interface with DESC, TVS, and others, it would be useful to summarize the current set of Dark Matter related science that SMWLV members are actively working on (or planning on working on).
Besides the usual identification information, please provide a brief description of your science, the resources you have, and the resources you need.