Rubin Observatory Plans for an Early Science Program

The first version of the Rubin Observatory Plans for an Early Science Program document has been issued. This is a living document; both it and the Early Science Program will continue to evolve over the course of commissioning and pre-operations in response to the state of the as-built system and to community guidance.

This document has been uploaded to zenodo (Rubin Observatory Plans for an Early Science Program | Zenodo) and has an associated DOI to ease with citations.

Cite as

Leanne P. Guy, Eric Bellm, Bob Blum, Melissa L. Graham, Željko Ivezić, & Michael Strauss. (2021). Rubin Observatory Plans for an Early Science Program (1.0). Zenodo. Rubin Observatory Plans for an Early Science Program | Zenodo


Hi Leanne,

I really appreciate the release of this document, and clearly much effort went into considering how the Early Science Program will unfold. However, the timing of the release, after many institutions’ internal NSF AAG deadlines have passed, will unfortunately advantage Rubin-related NSF AAG applications that can submit later and adjust their content to connect with and cite the document. I think it’s important as part of the release to be in touch with the relevant NSF program officers to clarify that the late release of this document could create an uneven playing field if it’s used as a reference that would provide guidance in evaluating NSF AAG proposals in support of Rubin.

Brant Robertson

Hi Brandt

Thanks for the feedback and my apologies that the document did not come out sooner. I was not aware that some institutions had internal deadlines. Let me know what I and the project can do to help level the playing field.
