To inform our future Lasair Database, we’ve been looking more closely now at the contents of the alert packets, and the Prompt Product Database. I have some questions arising from this - I’m working off LSE-163 Data Products and Definitions, Juric et al. 2019-07-29.. We also need to figure out what we can and can’t release as public data.
The alert packets will contain the median noise of difference images covering that piece of sky for 12 months (providing the history upper limits on assumption no detections). OK, so that information is all in the public domain.
Within 24hrs, the precovery PSF forced photometry for images taken within the last 30 days will be added to the DIAForcedSources table (in the Prompt Product Database). OK. That information is not public.
The DPD doc also says that DIAForcedSource measurements will not be immediately issued (as above), but then there is a statement saying “the resulting DIAForcedSource measurements will be included in future alerts from the DIAObject”. Which would imply that when a second alert is issued based on the detection of the next data point on the lightcurve (for that DIAObject) then the full DIAForcedSources WILL be released, and therefore be public. Correct ?
If this is true, will the 2nd (and all subsequent) alerts associated with this DIAObject include both the 12 month image noise measuremetns AND the 30 day forced photometry ?
More questions to come, but let’s take it one at a time !