QServ parsing -1


Another Qserv funny, usual caveats apply as we might not be running the latest version, might be a known issue etc.

Queries using -1 throw ParseException:Error eg

select filterid from Filter where filterId = -1 ;
ERROR 4110 (Proxy): Query processing error: QI=?: Failed to instantiate query: ParseException:Error parsing query, near “-1”

-1.0 is OK, -10 is OK

select filterid from Filter where filterId = -1.0 ;

but the problem seems to occur for -1 and -2 integers

select filterid from Filter where filterId > -2 ;
ERROR 4110 (Proxy): Query processing error: QI=?: Failed to instantiate query: ParseException:Error parsing query, near “-2”


Thanks Mike, I’ve reproduced the error and see the root cause. I created a ticket https://jira.lsstcorp.org/browse/DM-16613

The fix for this is checked in now and will be included in the next weekly build.