Dear Qserv developers,
I have recently taken over a test install of Qserv from Teng
(One of his previous posts - Installing and testing latest version of Qserv in Docker)
and have run into an issue involving very large (2.5G) core* files being generated locally on the master container. Which then stops the container from starting back up as it is out of disk space.
I was able to get around this by copying out the core files to somewhere local
# docker cp master.localdomain:/qserv/core* /somewhere_local
Then I was able to bring up the container and delete the core file.
docker start master.localdomain && docker exec -it master.localdomain rm -rf /qserv/core.2277
I was just wondering if there was any way of moving the location of these core files?
There are a few mounted volumes that are present on the container, so an easy solution would be to dump them there if at all possible.
Many thanks,