Prototype Binary Software Distribution Methods

I’ve posted a tech note with instructions for trying pre-baked nebula images and docker containers with builds of lsst_apps from the w_2015_45 tag. Other methods are in the works. Feedback would be greatly welcomed at this point.

SQuaRE is investigating a number of methods for distributing binary builds of
LSST DM’s science pipeline or “application” software. Initial target platforms
are CentOS 6 & 7, with support for OS X planned for as soon as build resources
become available.

We envision producing binary distribution products for official releases,
weekly development releases, and eventually on a nightly basis. Construction
of a binary product on demand is also a possibility. Work is underway to fully
automate this process.

See the technote for further details:

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Nebula images and docker containers for lsst_build w_2016_05 have been released.

Nebula images and docker containers for lsst_build w_2016_06 have been released.

Nebula images and docker containers for lsst_build w_2016_08 have been released.