Hello everyone
I’m currently using the science Pipelines of LSST (version 21) through an account in a cluster (called Leftraru) from a High Performance Computing Lab (called NLHPC), and have trouble with the step of Display the calexp (calibrated exposure) from the part 3 (Getting started tutorial part 3: displaying exposures and source tables output by processCcd.py — LSST Science Pipelines) of the Getting started with the LSST Science Pipelines — LSST Science Pipelines
When I try to utilize the command display.mtv(calexp) I get the following error:
>>> display.mtv(calexp)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jahumada/lsst_stack-v21/stack/miniconda3-py37_4.8.2-cb4e2dc/Linux64/display_ds9/21.0.0+8829bf0056/python/lsst/display/ds9/ds9.py", line 272, in ds9Cmd
ret = xpa.set(None, getXpaAccessPoint(), cmd, "", "", 0)
File "python/lsst/display/ds9/xpa.cc", line 115, in const char* lsst::display::ds9::{anonymous}::XPASet1(XPA, char*, char*, char*, char*, int)
XPASet returned 0 {0}
lsst::pex::exceptions::IoError: 'XPASet returned 0'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jahumada/lsst_stack-v21/stack/miniconda3-py37_4.8.2-cb4e2dc/Linux64/display_ds9/21.0.0+8829bf0056/python/lsst/display/ds9/ds9.py", line 292, in initDS9
ds9Cmd("iconify no; raise", False)
File "/home/jahumada/lsst_stack-v21/stack/miniconda3-py37_4.8.2-cb4e2dc/Linux64/display_ds9/21.0.0+8829bf0056/python/lsst/display/ds9/ds9.py", line 277, in ds9Cmd
raise Ds9Error("XPA: %s, (%s)" % (e, cmd))
lsst.display.ds9.ds9.Ds9Error: XPA:
File "python/lsst/display/ds9/xpa.cc", line 115, in const char* lsst::display::ds9::{anonymous}::XPASet1(XPA, char*, char*, char*, char*, int)
XPASet returned 0 {0}
lsst::pex::exceptions::IoError: 'XPASet returned 0'
, (;iconify no; raise)
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/home/jahumada/lsst_stack-v21/stack/miniconda3-py37_4.8.2-cb4e2dc/Linux64/afw/21.0.0+fdf35455f6/python/lsst/afw/display/interface.py", line 551, in mtv
self._impl._mtv(data.getImage(), data.getMask(), wcs, title)
File "/home/jahumada/lsst_stack-v21/stack/miniconda3-py37_4.8.2-cb4e2dc/Linux64/display_ds9/21.0.0+8829bf0056/python/lsst/display/ds9/ds9.py", line 410, in _mtv
initDS9(i == 0)
File "/home/jahumada/lsst_stack-v21/stack/miniconda3-py37_4.8.2-cb4e2dc/Linux64/display_ds9/21.0.0+8829bf0056/python/lsst/display/ds9/ds9.py", line 312, in initDS9
raise NameError("ds9 doesn't appear to be on your path")
NameError: ds9 doesn't appear to be on your path
I have trouble understanding if there must be a change of path in some script (and if so, in which one? :o), or if this error is raised because there isn’t a ds9 interface in the cluster (this cluster can only be accessed via the terminal)
If you have any suggestions on how to avoid this error, I’ll be happy to try them out
Thanks a lot!