Hello there,
I’m fairly new to using DMstack and obs_decam, and am working off the (outdated?) wiki and the documentation here: https://github.com/lsst/obs_decam. I’m using a set of test DECam images, taken from GitHub.
I ingest the testdata_decam images with the command:
ingestImagesDecam.py /Users/jmcclear/Research/decam_test/ --mode=link /Users/jmcclear/Research/testdata_decam/cpData/original_files/instcal/*fits.fz
As expected, a registry is created in the top level of the repository, as is a directory called “0229388/” containing the relevant data files. There are a few ingest.parse errors thrown, but this thread (Error of using obs_decam) seems to suggest that input.parse errors aren’t the biggest deal.
However, the command:
processCcd.py /Users/jmcclear/Research/decam_test/ --id visit=229388 ccdnum=13 --output /Users/jmcclear/Research/decam_test/outDir --config calibrate.doAstrometry=False calibrate.doPhotoCal=False
throws the following error:
root INFO: Loading config overrride file '/Users/jmcclear/Research/lsst_stack/stack/miniconda3-4.3.21-10a4fa6/DarwinX86/obs_decam/14.0-4-g3127c16+22/config/processCcd.py’
CameraMapper INFO: Loading exposure registry from /Users/jmcclear/Research/decam_test/registry.sqlite3
root WARN: No data found for dataId=OrderedDict([(‘visit’, 229388), (‘ccdnum’, 13)])
root INFO: Running: /Users/jmcclear/Research/lsst_stack/stack/miniconda3-4.3.21-10a4fa6/DarwinX86/pipe_tasks/14.0-27-g4464a260+2/bin/processCcd.py /Users/jmcclear/Research/decam_test/ --id visit=229388 ccdnum=13 --output /Users/jmcclear/Research/decam_test/outDir --config calibrate.doAstrometry=False calibrate.doPhotoCal=False
root WARN: Not running the task because there is no data to process; you may preview data using “–show data”
If I try to run processCcd.py within the folder created by IngestImagesDecam.py, I get a whole bunch more exotic-looking errors. Just in case it’s useful to know my directory structure, it looks like this:
ls /Users/jmcclear/Research/decam_test/*/*fz
/Users/jmcclear/Research/decam_test/0229388/dqmask0229388.fits.fz /Users/jmcclear/Research/decam_test/0229388/wtmap0229388.fits.fz
And the command
sqlite3 registry.sqlite3 ‘SELECT * FROM raw WHERE visit=229388 AND ccdnum=13’
yields the following, i.e. the entry definitely should exist:
13|229388|z|2013-09-01|2013-09-01T06:02:55.753848|200.0|13|13|13|/Users/jmcclear/Research/testdata_decam/cpData/original_files/instcal/c4d_130901_060255_ooi_z_a1.fits.fz|/Users/jmcclear/Research/testdata_decam/cpData/original_files/dqmask/c4d_130901_060255_ood_z_a1.fits.fz|/Users/jmcclear/Research/testdata_decam/cpData/original_files/wtmap/c4d_130901_060255_oow_z_a1.fits.fz|2012B-0001|DES supernova hex SN-S1 tiling 22
ETA In case it’s relevant, I downloaded the /master/ version of loadLSST.bash this past weekend, and am running the w_2017_48 version of DMstack. An earlier set of obs_decam problems I was having were resolved by updating to this version, thanks to @price .