The extended organizing committee of the DEI PCW 2020 session is planning on a series of discussions to follow up the session and leading up to next year anti-racism workshop at the PCW 2021. Each month, starting in October, we will organize a meeting focused on one of the eight Spheres of Influence. Everyone is invited to each meeting to discuss and further develop the second-order changes and interventions that each sphere of influence had mapped in the 30-minute breakout sessions and/or in follow-up work. The overall goal is to produce a comprehensive roadmap to our equity and social justice goals before the next PCW. We will organize the first meeting in the first week of October. The live meeting will be augmented and supported by this NEW COMMUNITY CATEGORY “inclusion” on to continue our conversation, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion discussions on the LSSTC slack are hosted in the #inclusion channel and in various Science Collaboration specific channels (contact your SC for more info).
Tentative schedule: First Thursday of each month 12PM Pacific / 3PM Eastern / 8PM CEST
the organizers,
Federica Bianco
Keith Bechtol
Andres Plazas
Brian Nord