I’d like to propose a breakout session to discuss Deep Drilling Field and/or a minisurvey of the Galactic Plane and Bulge region.
The motivation is to maximize the LSST science return for topics which depend on observations of these regions in particular, including (but not limited to):
- microlensing
- galactic structure and ISM
- variable stars
The overall goal of the session is to form a working team around the proposal to write a White Paper by the end of 2017. In addition to outlining the science motivations for this paper, we will form groups to conduct simulations and develop improved metrics in order to evaluate alternative DDF/minisurvey designs with respect to the science goals, and explore synergies with complementary and contemporaneous surveys such as WFIRST and Gaia.
The agenda for the breakout session will be lightly structured, including selected relevant presentations for background and to stimulate extended discussions.
Remote participation possible: I can bring teleconference facilities suitable for a reasonably-sized room.