Hi @ljones, @yoachim and the MAF folks - what steps are required to ensure that metrics.CrowdingM5Metric can find the needed maps in filters other than “r”? Currently this metric is failing for me if the “filtername” argument is set to anything other than “r”.
I am running the “sims_w_2020_05” weekly build of the simulation framework (built from source under ubuntu 18.04 following the instructions here), using the github version of sims_maf. I get the same negative results if I also invoke maf_contrib before launch.
The last few lines of the error message I get are reproduced below. I’m pretty sure that the error message indicates that the metric is not finding the luminosity functions in the filters other than r. Can you remind me please where I get the necessary pieces from, and how I install them so that sims_maf can find them?
Thanks! – Will
Last few lines of the error message follow below. The line specifying the metric here was:
metric = metrics.CrowdingM5Metric(crowding_error=0.05,filtername=‘g’)
/raid1/soft/sims_maf_github/sims_maf/python/lsst/sims/maf/metrics/crowdingMetric.py in run(self, dataSlice, slicePoint)
81 def run(self, dataSlice, slicePoint=None):
82 # Set magVector to the same length as starLumFunc (lower edge of mag bins)
—> 83 magVector = slicePoint[f’starMapBins_{self.filtername}’][1:]
84 # Pull up density of stars at this point in the sky
85 lumFunc = slicePoint[f’starLumFunc_{self.filtername}’]
KeyError: ‘starMapBins_g’