Lsst-texmf documentation launch

Today we’re announcing, a new documentation site for the lsst-texmf project.

lsst-texmf provides document classes, style files, and BibTeX bibliographies for LSST’s LaTeX documentation projects. The documentation includes examples for LDM documents, DMTN technotes, and several styles of Beamer slide decks.

lsst-texmf is also the home of our shared BibTeX bibliographies. Rather than maintaining BibTeX files for each project, we ask that you PR new bibitems into lsst-texmf. The lsst-texmf docs include guidelines for updating the bibliographies.

My thanks to @timj, @womullan, @swinbank, and @mjuric for putting together the lsst-texmf project. @timj, in particular, wrote the great docs we’re launching today.

Over the next month, I’ll be integrating LaTeX-based projects into DM’s documentation infrastructure. This will include cookiecutter templates and Slack automations for creating new LDMs, technotes (†), and beamer slide decks. We’ll also have continuous deployment of LaTeX projects from GitHub to the web with LSST the Docs.

(†) Technotes can continue to be written in reStructuredText, and I’m committed to improving DM’s web-native documentation, including Sphinx technotes.