LSST Project and Community Workshop Solar System session--still happening?

Is this still happening on Blue Jeans today? @mjuric and @ljones

“LSST Project and Community Workshop Solar System session - Lynne Jones and Mario Jurić are leading a session on LSST Solar System Data Products on August 17, 11:30-12:30 MST (Arizona local time). This will be a starting point with more discussion over the coming months with the SSSC and the LSST Project Team. Lynne and Mario are going to try and have a video link through Blue Jeans for remote participation (The Blue Jeans meeting room number will be 224934301 -url link: Meg will ‘live tweet’ on slack as well.”

I think you were on the Blue Jeans. Hopefully you were able to find the session. I’m going to have a summary I send to the SSSC and post on Community for the September SSSC update.
