I am trying to get access to HSC public deep coadd images and detection catalogues from my obs_vista package and Butler repository. I want to do this so that I can run mergeCoaddDetections.py with my VISTA detections and the already produced HSC detections catalogues and then subsequently run deblendCoaddSources.py, measureCoaddSources.py, and forcedPhotCoadd.py with the merged detection catalogue on both my processed VISTA coadds and the public HSC coadds.
Do I need to write a specific ingestion task to add these files to the sql registry? In the example HSC processing some of the products (calibrations and reference catalogues) are simply added via symlinks so I wondered if I could simply symlink the files to my obs_vista Butler repo but I didn’t know if that was only possible with some datasets. When you use the --show data option on tasks does it access all possible inputs using the registry only or does it search files in the Butler repo?
I also wonder how this process might differ between gen2 and gen3.
Many thanks for any interest in this issue.