Hi, I’m trying to learn how to use the lsst.ip.diffim
module for astronomical image differencing. In particular, I’m interested in the difference between calibrated exposures. To test the package, I used the sample of the HSC following the first two parts of the LSST pipelines tutorial, but I didn’t understand how to run the task.
With the Butler client from the lsst.daf.persistence
module I searched what data IDs are available for the ‘calexp’ dataset type in a particular filter.
import lsst.daf.persistence as dafPersist
butler = dafPersist.Butler(inputs=‘DATA/rerun/processCcdOutputs’)
butler.queryMetadata(‘calexp’, [‘visit’, ‘ccd’], dataId={‘filter’: ‘HSC-R’})
[(903334, 16),
(903334, 22),
(903334, 23),
(903334, 100),
(903336, 17),
(903336, 24),
(903338, 18),
(903338, 25),
(903342, 4),
(903342, 10),
(903342, 100),
(903344, 0),
(903344, 5),
(903344, 11),
(903346, 1),
(903346, 6),
(903346, 12)]
Then, I shut down the Python interpeter and I typed:
imageDifference.py DATA --id visit=903334 ccd=22 --templateId visit=903336 ccd=24 --output imageDifference
And I got the error message:
CameraMapper INFO: Loading exposure registry from /home/vincenzo/Scrivania/DATA/registry.sqlite3
CameraMapper INFO: Loading calib registry from /home/vincenzo/Scrivania/DATA/CALIB/calibRegistry.sqlite3
CameraMapper INFO: Loading calib registry from /home/vincenzo/Scrivania/DATA/CALIB/calibRegistry.sqlite3
root WARN: No data found for dataId=OrderedDict([(‘visit’, 903334), (‘ccd’, 22)])
root WARN: No data found for dataId=OrderedDict([(‘visit’, 903336), (‘ccd’, 24)])
root INFO: Running: /home/vincenzo/lsst_stack/stack/miniconda3-4.7.10-4d7b902/Linux64/pipe_tasks/19.0.0+2/bin/imageDifference.py DATA --id visit=903334 ccd=22 --templateId visit=903336 ccd=24 --output imageDifference
WARNING: You are using OpenBLAS with multiple threads (8), but have not
specified the number of threads using one of the OpenBLAS environment variables:
This may indicate that you are unintentionally using multiple threads, which may
what you are doing and want threads enabled implicitly, set the environment
root WARN: Not running the task because there is no data to process; you may preview data using “–show data”
If I try to preview the data without doing the operation, I get:
imageDifference.py DATA --output imageDifference --show data
CameraMapper INFO: Loading exposure registry from /home/vincenzo/Scrivania/DATA/registry.sqlite3
CameraMapper INFO: Loading calib registry from /home/vincenzo/Scrivania/DATA/CALIB/calibRegistry.sqlite3
CameraMapper INFO: Loading calib registry from /home/vincenzo/Scrivania/DATA/CALIB/calibRegistry.sqlite3
imageDifference.py DATA --id visit=903334 ccd=22 --templateId visit=903336 ccd=24 --output imageDifference --show data
CameraMapper INFO: Loading exposure registry from /home/vincenzo/Scrivania/DATA/registry.sqlite3
CameraMapper INFO: Loading calib registry from /home/vincenzo/Scrivania/DATA/CALIB/calibRegistry.sqlite3
CameraMapper INFO: Loading calib registry from /home/vincenzo/Scrivania/DATA/CALIB/calibRegistry.sqlite3
root WARN: No data found for dataId=OrderedDict([(‘visit’, 903334), (‘ccd’, 22)])
root WARN: No data found for dataId=OrderedDict([(‘visit’, 903336), (‘ccd’, 24)])
May someone help me? What I’m doing wrong?