On our QSERV setup The following query
select max(filterID) from Filter
ERROR 4110 (Proxy): Query processing error: QI=?: Failed to instantiate query: ParseException:lsst::qserv::parser::AggregateWindowedFunctionAdapter*::onExit messsage:“Unhandled exit”, in or around query segment: ‘max(filterID)’, with adapter stack:lsst::qserv::parser::RootAdapter const*, lsst::qserv::parser::DmlStatementAdapter const*, lsst::qserv::parser::SimpleSelectAdapter const*, lsst::qserv::parser::QuerySpecificationAdapter const*, lsst::qserv::parser::SelectElementsAdapter const*, lsst::qserv::parser::SelectFunctionEle
I’m pretty sure queries like this worked in the past. Possibly unrelated but recently we reported a problem with the use of OR and brackets and a new parser was released that fixed this issue but I’m wondering if there were knock on effects. Same issue with SUM, though COUNT(*) works but COUNT(filterID) does not
We are probably not running the latest release so apologies if this issue has been fixed already but it would be good to get confirmation.