Deploying rubin-env 0.2.1

On Wednesday, 2021-01-27, we updated our build infrastructure to use version 0.2.1 of the rubin-env conda-forge metapackage. The w_2021_05 weekly will be the first tagged release to incorporate this change.

This new environment will include two requested packages that were inadvertently left out of rubin-env 0.1.5 during the implementation of RFC-733:

  • lsst-documenteer-pipelines
  • lsst-documenteer-technote

In addition, flake8 has been upgraded to version 3.8.4, which recognizes Python 3.8 syntax. Thanks to work by Tim Jenness, incompatibilities with this version of flake8 have already been resolved. But this means that prior versions of the Science Pipelines cannot be built under the rubin-env 0.2.1 environment.

If you need older versions of the environment to build older versions of the Science Pipelines, you can install them using the current tooling as follows.

  • For
    LSST_SPLENV_REF=0.1.5 bash
    Note that you do not need to use an older version of itself.
    You can then follow this with:
    export LSST_CONDA_ENV_NAME=lsst-scipipe-0.1.5 to select that environment rather than the new default lsst-scipipe-0.2.1 prior to executing source loadLSST.bash
  • For lsstsw:
    bin/deploy -v 0.1.5; source bin/envconfig -n lsst-scipipe-0.1.5

The shared stack is updated to this environment, and can be accessed on lsst-* from the normal path /software/lsstsw/stack/ . The new stack has the latest weekly 05 built in it.

If needed the old shared stack can be found at /software/lsstsw/stack_20210114/