De-blending session

There was a productive session last year on plans and algorithms to separate overlapping objects in the LSST data. This included an overview of the LSST DM plans and issues as well as work from the larger community on different approaches. It seems appropriate to have a breakout session again this year to continue to review and discuss progress.
Anyone else interested?

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This sounds like a good idea to me, and I think @fred3m and/or @pmelchior will be interested as well.

Agreed. Either @fred3m or I (or both) should go and present what we’ve been doing in the last months.

Yep, I agree. I’ll be there and would be happy for some mix of Peter and I to lead the discussion.

Can @pmelchior or @fred3m submit this idea, including an abstract, needed attendees, etc to the submission site:

thank you!


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