Up to recently I was used to use the “magic” tag in eups (V1.5.9) with something like :
cd meas_simastrom
eups declare -r . -t boutigny
then I had :
eups list | grep simastrom
meas_simastrom tag:boutigny boutigny
so I could do setup meas_simastrom -t boutigny and everything was perfect
Recently I made a full fresh installation of the stack and got eups V2.0.1
The first time I make eups declare I get the same thing :
eups list | grep simastrom
meas_simastrom tag:boutigny boutigny
But if do (for instance after re-login) :
. $LSSTSW/bin/setup.sh
I get :
eups list | grep simastrom
meas_simastrom tag:boutigny
and when I try to setup meas_simastrom -t boutigny eups thinks that there is no acceptable version of meas_simastrom
What happens ? Is there a way to make the very useful “-t username” working again ?