About the Photo-z Coordination Group

The Photo-z Coordination Group has been established here, in the “Science – Photometric Redshifts” category of Community.lsst.org, to help the Rubin community communicate about photo-z for the LSST.

This is not a Group that requires anyone to “join”, or has identified members. Rather, it is a centralized location for questions, answers, and discussion about LSST photo-z. All are welcome, including, e.g., DM staff members, Rubin Operations team members, International Programs members involved with in-kind contributions, Science Collaboration members, and anyone interested in science with LSST photo-z.

To ensure that you receive notifications about activity in the “Science – Photometric Redshifts” category, use the bell icon at the right-hand edge of the menu bar of the category’s main page to set your status to “watching”.

In-Kind Contributions

As described in this Community topic, photometric redshifts has emerged as a major area in which multiple teams propose to provide different types of contributions, and optimizing the LSST scientific returns on these contributions requires coordination between the in-kind teams, Rubin project staff, and the Science Collaborations and the community of data rights holders.

This Photo-z Coordination Group has been created, in part, to respond to this emergent need, as described in an email to all in-kind proposal teams (from Knut Olsen on Sept 3 2020). In the short-term, this group intends to help all in-kind teams optimize their proposals (i.e., reduce overlapping effort and avoid redundancy) and to make sure they have the information that they need, especially as new technical questions arise about photo-z contributions that are not covered by the Handbook. In the long-term, this group will help international teams towards the delivery, integration, and maintenance of their contributions within, e.g., the Science Collaborations, the Data Management science pipelines.

Questions and/or topics about in-kind contributions that are appropriate for open discussion — whether they be posed to Rubin staff, the Science Collaborations, or to other in-kind teams — should be raised as new topics here. Questions for Rubin staff (e.g., Data Management) that include sensitive or confidential aspects of in-kind proposals related to photo-z are welcome via emails or LSSTC Slack direct messages to @MelissaGraham.