Agenda: Discussion of action items:
- @tatianag, or other FF people: Document the FF algorithm that generates the browser image. Done
- @tatianag: Find out if FF can do this. Done (I think)
- @marshall and @tony_johnson specify the desired header keywords. Begun
- @victor_ren (and others) Find out how DS9 knows which extension the current mouse position is in.
@victor_ren and the FF team will sit in on a demo by @marshall (and
@tony_johnson). -
@dyue2: Is FF an adequate server, or do we need another? It will be
instructive for the FF folks to know what functionality is desired. - @JJT: Sketch some typical user activities.
- @tatianag: Show FF image browsing to Heather and Homer. Tatiana will send a pointer to a demo. Done
- As @tatianag previously posted, FF supports blinking in “expanded mode”. One can select “WCS match” and “Auto play” from the menu. She showed a demo.
- @victor_ren has just begun to look at the DS9 code. The images that @tony_johnson pointed to (also in @jjt’s Dropbox) do not have WCS headers, so we cannot yet study DS9’s behavior. With the proper headers (especially DATASEC) one can turn display of the overscan pixels on and off with the “Use DATASEC” true or false option.
- Definition of the desired “Mosaic’ed” image header format requires one more meeting between @marshall and @tony_johnson. @gpdf is waiting for this, so he can give the format to the image simulation team. We want at least three WCS coordinate systems:
° Integer pixel coordinates, including and inter-device gaps, for engineering work, both with and without space for the overscan pixels.
° True x-y (i.e., with metrology) coordinates. - @GPDF suggests using the background image to show labeled HW region boundaries, as a visual aid for the user.
Action list:
- @jjt: Begin the description of typical user interactions. (starting up, specifying images, posting results, etc.)
- @dyue2: Improve the “region statistics” function (e.g., to show hot pixels) as a first demo of functionality we’ll want to implement. This, as well as blinking (and other image math) and keystroke command selection, and other functions, are on Paul O’Connor’s first priority wish list (URL).
- @marshall and @tony_johnson: Finish the MEF header definition.
- @victor_ren: Understand how DS9 does region display, to see how we can do it efficiently.