Bluejeans: 107541143
- Preparation for BNL.
- Running at SLAC.
- Image access
- Longer term:
- LSST stack
- Schedule and priorities.
- The Test stand 8 workshop will be August 22-26 at BNL.
- We need to be able to deal with full-raft images by then.
- This means that we need WCS header information, to place the CCD images.
- With proper header design (not by August), Firefly could deal with the “which segment” display. We need to continue our work on this.
- The July FF update will have important JS API improvements, but not support for multi-extension FITS.
Action: @weiren2: Post the JSON file as a GitHub issue.
Related: Check the segment geometry. - Action: @weiren2: Show that we can run in the DM stack environment. Ask @gpdf whom to contact about details of the implementation (e.g., a list of functions).
- Action: @jbpagliuco: Improve the command parser to improve user friendliness. Done
- Action: @ywang: Add an “Immediate image update” button.
- Action: @Marshall: Update the Help file.
- Action: @Marshall: Run the code on a SLAC server.
- Action: @tony_johnson: Upgrade the image server to deliver real images.
- The restful server can take a “wait” option on the image request. This can replace the need to poll.
Action: @tony_johnson: This should be documented.