Bluejeans: 107541143
UIUC people meet in Loomis
Note nonstandard day and time:
Monday, May 22 at 11 AM PDT = 1 PM CDT.
- UIUC code walk-through. Download the outline (pdf) here.
- Action: @jbpagliuco: Update install instructions.
- Visualization SW is running at SLAC. No default image.
load_image ffview /mnt/ramdisk/conn_flat_0100_20170504003759.fits
will display one. - The “display latest” code is in the
branch for now. @jbpagliuco will move it to master. - Action: @tatianag will point to React and Redux docs (a talk/article by @roby).
- Action: Stuart will update the SLAC installation and establish the connections to Python libraries (SciPy, etc), that are needed by the back end code. Some Firefly documentation is here.
Next meeting: Tuesday (May 30) at 11 AM (PDT) = 1 PM (CDT).