Bluejeans: 107541143
UIUC people meet in Loomis
- UIUC end game. Wei Ren summer?
- @tony_johnson Restful interface has been improved. Should be able to display live images in the next couple of days.
- @marshall will update the SW (including a Firefly update from @tatianag).
- @weiren2’s appointment is in HR. @tony_johnson will check on status.
- Summer: @weiren2 can provide transition assistance to SLAC support. There may be other summer students on the project.
- UK is interested in camera involvement. Vis server is a possibility.
- Worst case scenario: @tony_johnson and @marshall will be the SLAC personnel.
- @jbpagliuco will work until the end of May. After that, no work at UIUC.