Bluejeans: 107541143
UIUC people meet in Loomis
- UIUC issues (short term to-do list).
- SLAC installation.
*CCD- and Raft- scale images. - Tomcat issues:
- @weiren2 says that if we want to run both production and development at the same time, we need two servers, because each is connected to one instance of the BE code. This may be solvable by modifying the Firefly back end.
- Shutting down Tomcat leads to zombie processes. For example, restarting Tomcat results in a second set of process.
• UIUC installation of up-to-date code in Production (port 80) is almost done. Some remaining issues with port management. SLAC installation uses port 80. @jjt wa sable to access SLAC from UIUC, but the visualization SW complains about the header format (e.g.,no amplifier regions).
- We need to arrange the summer student internships.
- @jbpagliuco is looking at a more modern IDE, React. Perhaps we can discuss it in two weeks, when @tony_johnson and @tatianag return.