2017_03_10 visualization meeting

Bluejeans: 107541143
UIUC people meet in Loomis


  • Recap of IPAC meeting.
  • BNL/SLAC plans.
  • UIUC visualization status and plans (end April 30, or so). See this (on GitHub).
  • Long term visualization plans (test stands -> SLAC -> mountain?).


  • @xiuqin and @tatianag attended. Both @xiuqin and @tony_johnson spoke to Victor yesterday. They told him the plans. He says:
  • @Tatianag should attend our weekly meetings.
  • He wants @xiuqin and @tony_johnson to put together a scope and budget for new features.
  • SLAC installed the up-to-date development SW before the JTM. They saw some oddities, perhaps related to the multi-monitor or other SLAC configuration.
  • There are now many raft-scale images, with and w/o overscan (?).
    The image header should include a keyword that says whether the image is CCD or raft.
  • Documentation of the Firefly region color support is almost ready.

For reference, here is @poconnor’s original wish list, annotated with items that still need work