Bluejeans: 107541143
UIUC people meet in Loomis
- Images
- SLAC status
- UIUC status
- Jon’s 70th birthday !!
- SLAC hardware is set up. Visualization SW is not yet updated. SW will be installed at BNL (during the Tu-Fri meeting) next week.
Action: @marshall: Install the visualization SW. - BNL has made (manually) a 9-CCD image
Action: @tony_johnson: Make displayable images available to the visualization SW. - UIUC: Region parameters specified by name will be done next week.
Action: UIUC students: Complete this work.
Action: (After raft-scale images are available): Extend this functionality to multi-CCD images. - @roodman has requested image displays of HW region statistics (e.g., average pixel in each amplifier), for quick diagnostics. This will be implemented by @tony_johnson as part of this generation of displayable images.