2016_10_21 visualization meeting

Bluejeans: 107541143


  • Incomplete first draft of the OpsCon document.

  • Histogram and JS API status.

  • SLAC test stand


  • @jbpagliuco and @weiren2 report some issues with the new Firefly API. It is important to maintain good communication @tatianag. Debugging will go more quickly, and we are (at this time) the only non-FF users.

  • SLAC test stand setup awaits AC restoration in the computer room.

  • @tony_johnson will make some raft-scale test images available (w/o complete header information).

@tatianag @weiren2
I’m just gonna post our issues here, as it’s easiest and we can all see

  • I was having trouble with drawing the regions, but that seems to have magically fixed itself.

  • I haven’t figured out how to reproduce it yet, but sometimes when refreshing the page (and therefore loading the default image into the main viewer), firefly doesn’t display anything, but also doesn’t report any errors. It probably runs into an error somewhere and just silently quits. But since I haven’t been to reproduce it, I’m not sure who’s end the error is on.

  • Our context extensions aren’t working. We have an AREA_SELECT extension, but the two points returned by firefly have the same value.

We use the following code to create the extension:

LSST.UI.Viewer.prototype.addExtension = function(title, type, f) {
	var ext = {
		id : title,
		plotId : this.name,
		title : title,
		extType : type,
		callback : f

var viewerCommands = {
	average_pixel : function(data) {

viewer.addExtension('Average Pixel', 'AREA_SELECT', viewerCommands.average_pixel );

Here is the output

@jbpagliuco, you are right, there was a bug in the extension for area selection. Thank you for your report, we’ve fixed it in the most recent Firefly release and in the Firefly master branch.