2016_10_14 visualization meeting

Bluejeans: 107541143


  • Histograms
  • New Firefly JS API
  • UIUC support of BNL implementation.
    (How to get from here to a useful product.)


  • @jbpagliuco has been using third-party SW for histograms. He’ll switch to the new API next week.

  • Tatiana has updated the JS API. See the topic (and links) here

  • UIUC support is better done at SLAC (BNL setup is hard to access, and not up all the time). However, SLAC is not yet set up. Stuart says he hopes to do it soon. Stuart has six 4k displays for image, accessed as one big desktop.

    The students need access to SLAC computing. Links to sign-up forms are in this reply to the topic.

Action: @jjt: Make a draft ConOps by next week.

https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/KIPAC/Computing has a section at the top about getting accounts.
First step is SLUO, then fill out the form and send.

I am sorry, I can not see anyone on Blue Jeans. Are we done with the meeting?