- Masking requirements: Needs input from CCD testing people.
Action: @jjt will discuss with Peter Doherty. - Write access to FTP repository.
- Image catalog interface (@tony_johnson).
- FITS header utility (@marshall)
- JSON region file.
- Schedule: When do we need to provide working code to BNL?
Tentative schedule:
Test stand 8 DAQ interface installation, March 1, or so.
Then two months, or so of testing.
May is a hard end date.
Action: We should get something simple going soon – a demo for the JTM (Feb 22-24) would be very good. -
High priority:
Get code into GitHub
Get the Server/Client connection going, with a simple command/response example, using a ROI. -
TS8 meetings on Friday at 11 AM (Pacific time).
@jjt should start attending. -
Stuart’s header utility is now on Github (a “utilities” ares).
No progress on Tony’s image catalog interface.
The GitHub issues need an implementation order and schedule. GitHub supports this.
Action @jjt: Move the architecture figures to GitHub Wiki. They’re on Confluence now.
Action: @jjt JJT and @weiren2 Implement a Gain/baseline correction on/off switch to the display command.
Action @jjt point tony to his dropbox image folder. He will pull images into the FTP area. Done.