12.0 release (W16/X16)

Hard-working developers, it is time for me to reap what you have sowed. :tractor:

As you may have heard from your T/CAMs, we are henceforth going to be aiming to get the release out on the last day of the cycle (rather than closing the cycle and then prepping the release). As a result, I am going to cut the last weekly of this release (w_2016_20) at the end of this week and the next engineering release will be the first release candidate for 12.0

If you believe you are working on a feature that really really should be in the 12.0/W16 release and that you cannot merge into master by EOB Friday, please:

  1. Talk it over with your T/CAM to make sure it makes sense

  2. Ask your T/CAM to bring it up in this Friday co-ord meeting.

Following the T/CAM discussion I will let you know the target date for the first release candidate (earliest 5/15; latest 5/23). After that it will be critical bugfixes only.

Track where we are in the release process here: Winter / Extra 2016 Release - Status and Discussion

If you are in a foetal position underneath your desk at this point, maybe it will help to let you know that I am planning for a mid-cycle release aimed at Sep 1st that will be a “public but not official” release - i.e. it will be a full release except for the characterisation report [partly because it is not mandated for anything less than the 6-monthly releases and partly because we will be transitioning to a new format]. So there’s hopefully something in between “now” and “six months for now” if you want to get a large feature out.

Let’s ship it!

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